love it..
im going to give an honest review and not a; 'i hate it!' or a 'it was ok'.
This animation was well done and has a lot of potential, the freehand cartoons tendend to be just repeated loops which jerked a bit but it was very good, mabye you could make it a more casual and smooth walk. the sound was a little unclear but I got the message so the problem would just be the quality of the sound file, the voice acting was great. the range of angles and characters was funny and it seems youve picked up on other plps humour and adapted it, this is good because you kow what people look out for in a good cartoon. It looked like a proper cartoon which was reasuring as some on newgrounds look odd, I mean this in the way that everything fitted together right like the silohettes and the close up of the hands.
Well ive gone on for a bit so ill stop, I loved your movie and I hope my review helps. :)